June 22, 2022

Norup 8th Grade Students Present IB Community Projects

Norup 8th Grade Students Present IB Community Projects

As Norup eighth graders get ready to enter high school, they take part in the 8th Grade IB Exhibition. Exhibition is a capstone experience that is unique to the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP). During their final year of MYP, eighth graders take ownership of their learning and display what they have learned and who they have become. This year’s 8th graders presented their projects to family and friends on June 7. 

This project began in December when students formed groups and brainstormed issues that would be of interest to them. Topics covered a variety of issues such as Rouge River cleanup, donating to animal shelters, helping the homeless, food insecurity, school safety, equal pay and more. Norup IB Coordinator Brett Greer shared, “We are trying to help young people to develop into good human beings, and part of being a good person is bringing positive change in the world where you can.”