Order spirit wear from the Anderson Spirit Wear website!

Attendance Policies & Procedures

Parents are expected to report their student’s absence to the school office (248-837-8230) or through the MISTAR Parent Portal before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. You may also leave a message on the school office voicemail 24 hours a day.

Attendance Protocol is as follows:

  • At 10 or more absences a letter will be sent to notify parents or guardians, & the student may meet with the Oakland County Truancy Liaison
  • At 20 absences a letter will be sent to parents or guardians & the student may be referred to the Oakland County Truancy Officer

Students who are absent for 5 or more consecutive days may be asked to provide a Dr.’s note or other appropriate documentation explaining the reason for their absence.

Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students have the number of days equal to the number of days absent to make up work when the absence is excused.
On the third day of an absence a homework request can be made. You can check staff websites for everyday work being assigned by teachers.

Early Dismissal

Students may not leave the school for any reason without permission from the office.
If a student is to be excused during the day, a phone call (on our 24 hour attendance line 248-837-8230), or a note indicating the reason for and the time of dismissal, from a parent is required. This note is submitted to the Main Office at the beginning of the school day. Students check in and out of the office upon leaving and returning to school.

Students who are dismissed early due to illness, should not return to school again on that day.

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be on time to all classes with all necessary books and supplies. 

Students who accumulate excessive tardies per class will be given the following consequences: 

5 Tardies - Lunch detention assigned by a teacher to be served either with the teacher or in the detention room (teacher decides).  Teacher will notify a parent and include administration on the notification. 

10 Tardies =  2 lunch detentions assigned by a teacher to be served either with the teacher or in the detention room (teacher decides).  Teacher will notify a parent and include administration on the notification. 

15 Tardies = Student is referred to an administrator who will assign a half day of in school suspension.  An administrator will notify a parent. 

20 Tardies = Student is referred to an administrator who will assign a full day of in school suspension.  An administrator will notify a parent and may request a meeting to discuss the excessive tardies.


PDF DocumentField Trip Form
External LinkFlyers

Dress Code Expectations

The following are not permitted at school or during school events:

  • Clothing which displays profanity or inferences which are inappropriate.
  • Clothing that displays or advertises alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, or violence.
  • Clothing that exposes undergarments.
  • Hats, head gear, or hoods (exception would be for religious purposes).
  • Coats and purses must be kept in lockers except for lunchtime.

Cell Phone/Electronic Device Expectations

AMS enforces an Away for the Day electronic device policy to reduce distractions and irresponsible use of technology.

From 8:15 - 3:15, all electronic devices, including cell phones and personal gaming devices, must be put away. This includes lunch time. There may be times when teachers will allow cell phone use during class time for academic needs. This will be an individual teacher decision.

The consequences for violating the school policy will be as such:

  • 1st and 2nd offense -  the staff member will take the device and give it to the office to be returned to the student at 3:15pm. A parent will be notified each time the device is taken.
  • 3rd offense and thereafter -  the staff member will take the device and give it to the office and a parent will be notified to pick up the device.
  • Any student who takes a picture or video of another student, during the school day or outside of the school day, without that student's consent, and shares the picture or video with others through group chats or social media, may be issued school discipline if it impacts the school environment.

6th Grade Orientation 

6th Grade Orientation will take place on August 19, 2024 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.  THIS ORIENTATION IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY.  During the orientation, students will receive their schedule, tour the building and walk their schedule, take school pictures, receive a school issued Chromebook, get a review of our building rules and expectations, and attend other sessions geared at helping our 6th graders transition to middle school.  Students should enter through the main rear entrance or main front entrance and head to the gym upon entry.  To preorder school pictures, please visit Kaiser Studios, click order as guest, and enter the code 24ANDERMS25 

7th and 8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up, Pictures, and Device Pick-Up

On August 19, 2024, 7th and 8th graders will be given their schedules and take school pictures (location at the building to be determined).  7th Grade will take place from 1:00-2:00 pm and 8th Grade will take place from 2:00-3:00.  To preorder school pictures, please visit Kaiser Studios, click order as guest, and enter the code 24ANDERMS25  

Vaping has recently become a widespread problem at many middle schools and high schools across the region and nation.  Below is some information and resources, provided by the Tri-Community Coalition, to help parents to have a better understanding of the problem and tips for prevention .

What is Vaping?
Vaping is inhaling a water vapor that is produced by a battery-powered electronic cigarette, commonly referred to as an e-cigarette. The device has a cartridge of fluid, e-liquid or e-juice, which often contains nicotine and/or flavoring. The liquid is heated and converted into a mist that people inhale or “vape.” Currently, vapes or e-cigarettes are most commonly used by teens and young adults, more common than smoking cigarettes.
The 2015 National Youth Tobacco Survey found that 16 percent of high school kids vape. That means vaping has surpassed cigarette use in teenagers. It’s important to learn the facts about vaping so you can educate your kids about the risks. With names that make them sound like candy—like “Mint Chocolate” and “Frozen Lime Drop”—many young people report that they have used vapes or e-cigarettes because they are curious to test out these new flavors for themselves. They also believe that they are less harmful or are a safer alternative to traditional tobacco products.The American Academy of Pediatrics warns, “e-cigarettes are threatening to addict a new generation to nicotine.” The AAP recommends stricter laws to reduce minors from accessing e-cigarettes. They even recommend that the minimum age to purchase tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, be increased to age 21 nationwide.Nicotine may be more harmful to adolescents than adults. Brain development continues through about age 25 and nicotine may harm the developing brain.Even e-cigarettes that don’t contain nicotine can be harmful. The surgeon general warns that e-cigarettes may contain other potentially harmful ingredients, including Volatile organic compounds;

  • Heavy metals such as nickel, lead, and tin;
  • Ultrafine particles that could be inhaled deep into the lungs; and
  • Flavorants such as diacetyl, a chemical that has been linked to lung disease.

E-cigarettes or vapes should be considered a gateway substance as they can also be used to deliver other drugs. A study published in the medical journal, Pediatrics, found that 1 in 5 high school students used e-cigarettes to vape concentrated THC extracted from marijuana, called hash oil. Vaping hash oil, which is analogous to “freebasing marijuana” causes an intense rapid high and increases the risk of addiction. It also increases the risk of severe side effects such as panic attacks and hallucinations.

Here are Some Important Key Points:

  • Long-term implications of vape/e-cigarette use including nicotine addiction are not known fully.
  • Many of the flavor water vapes are very high in nicotine.
  • The devices are very undetectable and often look like pens, highlighters or USB devices.
  • These devices are easy to purchase in local retail stores, online and from other students selling them at school.
  • Students are vaping at home, in cars, and at school, unaware of the harm, the addictive nature of the nicotine and in the chemicals that the flavored vape water is treated with.
  • Vapes/e-cigarettes are gateway delivery system of substances that can lead students to use traditional cigarettes, marijuana, etc.
  • Student perception and wanting to fit-in can mean that many more students are likely to try vaping than the data suggests.

Signs Your Teen is Vaping:
If you suspect your teen might be vaping, chances are your instincts are right. Check for: The scent. You might begin to smell bubble gum, candy, tropical or other flavored scents wafting through the room even if your teenager has nothing in his or her mouth at the time. Don’t worry. You’re not imagining things. This sweet-smelling aroma may be the after-effects of cloud vapor. Vaping e-juices come in nearly any flavor combination imaginable. And teens tend to prefer the sweeter vape products.

  • “Pens” that aren’t pens. E-cigarettes or vaporizers can look like many things; thumb drives, or pens, or like a stylus. If you spot something along these lines, take a closer look, and if there are holes on each end, you’ve probably got an e-cig or a vape on your hands.
  • Lots of bathroom breaks, closed-door time in their rooms (more than usual), looking for or asking for additional chargers (many vape devices require charging the batteries).
  • Copious sipping of liquids. One major ingredient in the vaporized liquid in e-cigs is propylene glycol, which is “hygroscopic” – meaning it attracts and holds water molecules from its environment, like the mouth. This can lead users to have a constant state of dry mouth, which can be alleviated by quaffing more drinks.
  • Nosebleeds. The water-holding effect of e-cig vapor can also dry out the nasal passages, leading to bloody noses.
  • Bloodshot eyes. There aren’t many physical signs that a teen is vaping, but bloodshot eyes can be a clue.
  • Irritability. If your teen is moodier than usual, it could be a sign of nicotine withdrawal.
  • Dry skin is another common side effect.

What Can Parents Do?
Talk to your teen about vaping and e-cigarettes.Your teen is likely to think e-cigarettes are much cooler than traditional cigarettes and your teen may insist you don’t know what you’re talking about since e-cigarettes probably weren’t around when you were young. But it’s important to hold conversations about the dangers of vaping. Most teens think e-cigarettes are harmless.Look for opportunities to bring up the subject of vaping naturally. Strike up a conversation when you see someone vaping or when you pass an e-cigarette shop. Get the conversation rolling by asking a question like, “Do kids at your school smoke e-cigarettes?” Here are some key talking points you might want to incorporate into your discussion:

  • Your brain is still developing until about age 25. Using nicotine as a teen could be harmful to your brain.
  • Using nicotine may make it harder for you to learn or to control your impulses.
  • Nicotine may cause you to become more easily addicted to harder drugs.
  • E-cigarettes that don’t contain nicotine still contain other harmful chemicals that are bad for your brain and your body.
  • Hold specific conversations about how to resist peer pressure so your teen has a plan for what they can say if offered an e-cigarette.
  • If your teen ever finds himself or herself in a situation where people are vaping, encourage them to excuse themselves from the situation.
  • Talk about the health risks of being a bystander, as well as the temptation s/he may experience to try it for him/herself.
  • To gain credibility, acknowledge the reasons your teen may want to vape—all his friends are doing it, vaping seems like the cool thing to do, the flavors are fun, etc. Then, discuss the downsides of doing it as well.
  • If your teen doubts that vaping is harmful, do some online research together. Look at credible websites like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and talk about the facts and studies.
  • Talk to other parents as well. If you suspect or have found evidence of vaping, chances are it is happening with their friends and you can find out what other parents are thinking and doing as well.

The Berkley School District provides student accident insurance for all students in pre-school through grade twelve. This insurance is purchased from Student Assurance Services, In. and provides the following coverage to students (please refer to the attached Policy Schedule for exact coverage):

  • attending regular school sessions
  • participating in or attending school-sponsored and supervised extracurricular activities
  • participating in school-sponsored and supervised interscholastic sports
  • traveling directly to and from school for regular school session; and while traveling to and from school sponsored and supervised extracurricular activities in school-provided transportation

Please be advised that the coverage the school district purchases is a supplement to your family health insurance. It pays only after your family health or auto policy and then within the limits of the policy's benefits (explanation of benefits attached). This plan does not cover penalties imposed for failure to use providers preferred or designated by your primary coverage.

Learn more information about the Student Coverage Insurance on the district level Parent Resources page.


Illness Dismissal/Procedure

Students who become ill during the school day should report to the Main Office where the secretary will contact a parent or guardian. For this reason, it is very important to have accurate phone numbers on our skyward database. In order to safely dismiss students it will be necessary to sign your child out in the office. Students will not be dismissed without an adult checking  them out directly from the building.

School personnel are not permitted to provide over-the-counter medication, including aspirin, antacids, and/or similar items to students. Students are allowed to carry over the counter medication to administer, only with a form on file in the school office, signed by a parent or physician. Prescription medication must be kept in the office, with a permission form on file signed by a physician.

Find medication forms and learn more about staying healthy on the Student Health & Medication section on the District's Parent page.

Immunization Information

District Immunization Policy Change 2024-25 School Year

External LinkImmunization Information

External LinkImmunization Rule Change and Waiver Information

HIV/AIDS Reproductive Health Topics

The Berkley Board of Education has established a program of instruction which includes HIV/AIDS and other serious communicable disease prevention education and reproductive heath education.  According to Michigan law, you have the right to review the materials and curriculum content to be used in HIV/AIDS and other serious communicable disease prevention education, as well as reproductive health education.  Anderson Middle School, in compliance with the statute, has made the materials and curriculum guides available for your review.  You also have the right to observe instruction in your child's classroom.  If you wish to do so, please contact Jim Cowdrey, Assistant Principal, at 248-837-8202 to make arrangements for review of the material and/or to observe instruction.

Please review the unit outlines below and decide if you would like your child to participate or if you would prefer that your child opt out of this portion of the class.  In either case, please select your decision in step #4 of the Student Paperless Packet. 

Sixth Grade

Boys and Girls will be separated for this portion of the class.

Changes that occur during puberty

  • Social changes
  • Emotional changes
  • Intellectual changes
  • Physical Changes - A. Menstruation, B. Reproductive systems, C. Orgasm

Seventh Grade

This is a mixed gender class.

  • Review of male and female anatomy and proper terminology
  • Conception
  • Gestation
  • Birth
  • Early childhood development

Eighth Grade

This is a mixed gender class.

  • Sexually transmitted infections

2024-25 School Supplies & Summer Reading Assignment

2024-25 School Supplies

2024 Summer Reading Assignment


Students in 6th Grade will be issued a district issued Chromebook at 6th Grade Orientation (7th and 8th grade students will continue using their previously issued school Chromebook).  Maintenance and care of Chromebooks is the responsibility of each student.  Students will be charged for damage or loss of Chromebooks!

Parents are encourage to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips, and be a volunteer driver. In order to volunteer, all parents volunteering in the classroom or during school sponsored functions or field trips must complete the Volunteer Release Form prior to any activities.  An image of a valid driver's license or state-issued ID will need to be uploaded when completing the Volunteer Release Form.  

In addition, parents who plan to serve as a volunteer driver for a field trip must be on the District's list of approved volunteers AND submit the following documents:

  1. Valid Driver's License 
  2. Proof of Insurance
  3.  Volunteer Driver Form  

All forms can be found on the Berkley School District website under the Parent Section Volunteer/Chaperones