Rent Hurley Field
Hurley Field is available for rental to groups outside the Berkley School District (BSD) from mid-March through the end of November, weather permitting.
The BSD rental policy has been set up with three basic classes of users:
- BSD K-12
- Berkley area community-related groups / teams
- All Other Groups
Note that all BSD K-12 events have priority over all other users - outside events may be canceled or rescheduled to accommodate BSD K-12 events.
The rental policy establishes a flexible, multi-tiered pricing schedule with two main categories - groups that charge admission and those that don't. Hourly discounts are based on the number of rental hours used during a calendar year (Jan-Dec) - the more hours used, the lower the hourly rate. The hourly rate includes the use of all of the following without additional charge: locker rooms, spectator restrooms, field lights, soccer goals and field flags, football yardage markers and field chains, press box with public address system and scoreboard.
Hurley Field also offers a fully equipped concession stand that is available for use at an additional charge.
All groups that rent any Berkley School District facility including Hurley Field must have adequate liability insurance and a current copy of your certificate of liability listing Berkley School District as an 'additional insured' must be provided prior to the date of the first event.
For additional information on pricing and field availability, please contact Meg Boring, Hurley Field Manager, at 248-786-9287 or via email