Angell 5th Grade Camp Information
Dear Fifth Grade Families,
Each year, a highlight for fifth graders in the Berkley School District is an overnight experience at YMCA Storer Camp located in Jackson, Michigan. This year, all fifth grade students across the district along with their teachers and a group of Berkley High School student counselors, will spend three days (March 6th, 7th, and 8th) at Camp Storer.
The cost of camp will be $100 per student. This includes all meals, accommodations, transportation, and educational classes. Our PTA has provided funding that enables us to only charge $100. If you have a need for financial assistance please do not hesitate to contact me personally. Our goal is to have 100% of our students attend camp regardless of their ability to pay.
Camp payments may be sent directly to the main office and checks can be made out to the Berkley School District. We will also accept cash payments. You are welcome to make several smaller payments or make one payment. We also have a digital/online option for camp payments. Please follow these directions to make online payments through the MISTAR Parent Portal.
Log into MISTAR
Choose the Accounts Tab on the located in the left hand side bar.
Choose the hyperlink “Click Here to Access Online SBA Payments”.
Choose the 5th Grade Camp option.
You may choose to do a full payment of $100 or make smaller payments at any time.
Please be advised that there is a 3% fee for all online payments. The system will take you directly to Paypal to pay and then bring you back to MISTAR to post your payment to your student’s account. Our hope is to receive all camp payments by February 2, 2024.
In an effort to plan accordingly for camp please complete the CAMP COMMITMENT FORM which indicates your intention to send your child to camp. We will have additional forms and information that will be sent home electronically at a later date.
Representatives from YMCA Storer Camp will hold Zoom meetings with the students on Monday, December 4, 2023 during the school day and will host a parent meeting on the same evening at 6:00 pm. The zoom link will be sent home prior to the event.
We are looking forward to sharing all the fun learning activities at camp with you on December 4, 2023. If you have any questions prior to that evening please feel free to contact me at your convenience.