Rogers: Weekly Raccoon Review December 6th

Weekly Raccoon Review December 6th |
December 6, 2024 Hello Rogers Community, We have had a great week back at school. The Caring and Sharing form is officially closed today. However, we ARE accepting donations until next Friday, December 13th. If you have not yet donated, and are able to make a donation of any amount, please click the link Caring and Sharing 2024. Please see the following announcements for the week:
Cold weather recess guidelines: Winter has arrived! Students are expected to dress appropriately for the weather for daily outside recess at lunch time and oftentimes once in the morning and again in the late afternoon. If the regular air temperature and/or windchill is above 10 degrees, students will be going outside. Students who are well enough to come to school are expected to go outside for recess unless they have a doctor’s note indicating a medical diagnosis. Cold weather clothing recommendations for recess: When your child comes to school, he/she needs to have a warm jacket, hat (or hood), gloves, and boots. Snow pants are a good idea for warmth and playing in the snow. Please make sure ALL items are clearly labeled with their name. If your child is in need of winter gear, please send a note to the office and we will do our best to provide your student with the needed items. Please have a change of clothing (especially for our lower elementary students) in case of spills, accidents, muddy occasions. IMPORTANT: Beginning January 6th (after the winter break), we will have a change of procedure for our school. There have been several incidents where parents are emailing office staff and teachers to denote a change in dismissal procedures. This is problematic for many reasons. Please know that emailed staff could be absent that day and the message is never received. The primary role of the teacher is to be with students and teaching and therefore may not see this email even if sent early in the morning. We recognize that there is a change of pick up that warrants contacting us. In an effort to ensure the message is received, a parent can still send in a message in their child's agenda, communication folder, backpack etc as the child goes to school that morning OR call the office to notify us of the change and we will get the message to the teacher/student by dismissal time via a special note so no message is lost. Our goal is to ensure everyone has been properly notified to ensure the safety and welfare of our students and there are no mixups. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Inside this week’s edition of the Raccoon Review, check out:
…and more! Have a great week ahead! With Rogers Pride, Mrs. Andrea Hasse, principal |