Facility Reservations
Thank you for considering Berkley School District for your facility needs. In order to reserve space within the District, follow the detailed steps below.
Permit applications are completed online. See instructions below.
Read the Facilities Handbook to review the guide for community use of school district facilities, Board of Education policy and administrative practices, procedures and rules.
For facility rental information, contact the Permit Department at 248-837-8439 or email the Permit Department.
Facilities Calendar
Please visit our facilities calendar to check your requested date before applying for a reservation.
How to Rent a Berkley Schools Facility
Open the Facility Use Calendar.
Use the filters to select the date and location to check if your date and room are available.
If you don’t have a DaySmart account, you’ll need to create an account to request a reservation:
Select ‘New User’ from the menu on the left side of the screen and follow the instructions to create your account.
You will need to select a ‘Location’ to create your account. You can choose the location you’ll be submitting a reservation request for or, if there are multiple locations, you can choose one.
Once logged in, select ‘Rentals’ from the menu on the left side of the screen:
Select your event location and date and search.
If your location is available, select ‘View More’ and highlight the hours you’ll be reserving for your event. If you need setup and breakdown time, please include those times in the ‘Notes’ section before submitting.
Confirm the contact information is correct (First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number), indicate your ‘Type of Booking’ (ex. Girl Scouts, Soccer Practice) and ‘Estimated Attendance’.
In the ‘Notes’ section, enter any other additional information you’d like us to know about your event and submit your reservation request.
The permit application approval process requires a minimum of five (5) staff working days. If you have any questions about your permit approval, please email the Permit Department.
If you have additional questions about the permit process, please email the Permit Department or call 248-837-8439.