Parent Involvement through PTA/PTSA

Parent involvement is critical to successful student achievement. Research shows that when families become involved in their child’s education, academic performance improves, attendance is better and students overall have a more positive attitude about school.

Ways to Get Involved

There are a number of ways for you to get involved. Here are just a few!

Participate in Your Child’s Parent/Teacher Association

Join your school’s PTA and join other parents in activities that support the school.


Share your time and talent at school! This is a fantastic way to give back and be an integral part of your child’s educational process.

Support the Learning Process at Home

Establishing a learning environment at home helps reinforce what your student is learning at school. Make sure you offer a variety of reading materials and promote interest in current events. Doing so helps build vocabulary and creates a level of social awareness.

Have Fun!

Spend time each day with your child. Listen to them and take time for playing games, reading together or simply taking a walk.