Angell Elementary Shows One Pride for the Detroit Lions

Angell Elementary is bursting with Detroit Lions pride! This Halloween, Angell staff showed their team spirit by dressing in their best Lions gear, kicking off months of Lions fever throughout the school.
This week, art teacher Samantha Letvin channeled the excitement into creativity by leading all Angell students in a directed drawing project featuring an original Warhol-inspired design: a Campbell’s soup can labeled "Campbell’s Crew," complete with a roaring lion at the center. The project celebrates Lions fandom and connects directly to the art curriculum. Fifth-grade students dive deeper into the works of iconic pop artist Andy Warhol, and this project offers younger grades an exciting preview of the vibrant studies awaiting them.
In addition to the Campbell’s Crew artwork, one class has even taken their Lions spirit to the next level by composing an original song titled "Forward Down the Line."
On Thursday, January 16th the entire Angell Elementary community was invited to wear their best Honolulu blue for a school-wide Respect Circle assembly.
"It's amazing to see our students so engaged and excited," said Julie McKeeman, Angell’s Media Specialist. "The Lions have brought our community closer together, and this project shows how creativity and curriculum can unite to inspire young learners."