Board of Education Members Select Officers, Swear In New Members, Sign Code of Ethics

On Monday, January 13, 2025, at the Board of Education Organizational meeting, the newly elected Board members were officially sworn into office, new officers were elected and the Board signed their Code of Ethics document.
Keith Logsdon and Jon Heger were re-elected and elected to the Board respectively on November 5, 2024. The Hon. Derek W. Meinecke and Hon. Andrew W. Kowalkowski attended the meeting to swear both Mr. Logsdon and Mr. Heger into office to begin their new six year terms. During the official swearing in ceremony, the newly elected Board members took an oath of office.
The two judges are from the 44th District Court in Royal Oak and both have connections to the Berkley School District. Judge Meinecke runs the Justice 101 program with Berkley Schools 5th grade classes at Rogers, Angell and Pattengill and Judge Kowalkowski runs the Teen Court program at Norup.
After swearing in the new Board members, the Board elected their new officers:
President: Mike Tripp
Vice President: Sarah Mountain
Treasurer: Keith Logsdon
Secretary: Barrie Frankel
Trustees: Roger Blake, Jason Deneau, Jon Heger
The Board of Education members also signed their Code of Ethics document. Everytime the Board has a new trustee and/or Superintendent, the Board members reaffirm their commitment to uphold their Code of Ethics. The beginning of the code reads:
As members of the Berkley School District Board of Education, we realize that to be the most effective advocates for children, we, as a Board, must function as a team and at all times treat each other and the people we serve with the utmost courtesy, dignity, respect and professionalism. Should we, for whatever reason, fail to follow these guidelines, we ask that our fellow Board members call it to our attention. Should that occur, we pledge to accept the feedback without anger or retribution, and to renew our efforts to follow this Code of Ethics and Board Culture Guide. We shall promote the best interests of the school district as a whole, and, to that end, all decisions will place the needs of children first by adhering to the following educational and ethical standards.
Calendar Change
At the Study Session, the Board voted to change the February3 Board of Education Study Session meeting to Monday, February 10, ahead of the Regular Meeting due to the National Advocacy Conference in Washington DC.